Worst Chain Mail Ever
DO NOT OPEN IN FRONT OF PARENTS...5 PPL ACTUALLY GOT KILLED BY NOT SENDING THIS PIECE OF MAIL.THE CREATOR OF THIS MAIL HAS A PROGRAM THAT WILL TRACK DOWN UR ADDRESS. By opening this chainmail u have been given bad luck for 2 months. If u repost this message then the bad luck will turn good.Here are the rules.1)Give the bulletin a name that has nothing to do with a chain letter because this letter is a trap. The more people that you trick, the better luck you will haveMAKE A TITLE TO THROW SOMEONE OFF---------------------------------------------SiiNCE U HAVE OPENED THiiS U HAVE TO REPOST iiT!..U HAVE 5MiiNUTES TO REPOST THiS!!..iiF YOU DONT U WiiLL BE SiiNGLEUNTiiL YOUR 45 NO JOKE!!PUT...--->TONGUE(iiF YOUR TAKEN)MAKEOUT (iiF YOU WANT SOMEONE)SEX(iiF YOUR SiiNGLE)--->KiiSS iiN THE RAiiN(iiF YOUR iiN LOVE)something good will happen to u at 11:05
(and i thought the world could not get anymore worthless, was wrong)
(and i thought the world could not get anymore worthless, was wrong)
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