Clipboard Secrets

Are you aware of the secrets that your clipboard contains? I don't think that these people were... (Unsuspecting surfers with bad security settings can give away a wealth of information.)

Friday, May 12, 2006

Physical Hurt

The smiles on our faces hide our pain. The laughs that we laugh hide our tears. We all know our pain, but why don't we let others in. Share our hardships with those who care. Our tears should be seen, our pain conquered. Tears our how we feel, they get out anger and sadness. Pain is a physical hurt, something that wont go away without dedicated work. From our heads to our toes we have both sadness and pain. But with each other we overcame. The love we had helped my understand what exactly it is about you that i love. maybe some day it can help you do that same thing.

(touching, now here is a good to reason to drink on a friday)


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