Clipboard Secrets

Are you aware of the secrets that your clipboard contains? I don't think that these people were... (Unsuspecting surfers with bad security settings can give away a wealth of information.)

Friday, October 06, 2006

Hockey Players

Hockey players have the alcohol tolerance of a truck load of Mexicans. Although, somehow they seem to prefer Miller products to Corona. But I guarantee if it came down to it, as long as it was beer they're really not that picky as long as it's cheap and there's a lot of it. And while they do cross the line into drunken ridiculousness quite often, watching them stumble around is ultimately hilarious and always makes for a good laugh the next day. "I got hit by a car last night, but it wasn't a car as much as it was a small truck." Or, "Have you seem my pants? I had them on last night between drinking in my room and bartime, so they either have to be here, at the bar, or scattered somewhere along the trail home."

(as long as we are not stereotyping)


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