Clipboard Secrets

Are you aware of the secrets that your clipboard contains? I don't think that these people were... (Unsuspecting surfers with bad security settings can give away a wealth of information.)

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Equity Ranking

Rank User Today Week Month Overall Equity
1. truegrit 1.69% 12.71% 12.71% 12.71% $112,709.50
2. markcoop 0.65% 9.32% 9.32% 9.32% $109,316.70
3. lomax12 0.41% 7.97% 7.97% 7.97% $107,972.70
4. Berniesucks 0.30% 6.01% 6.01% 6.01% $106,013.10
5. andykatz 0.69% 4.42% 4.42% 4.42% $104,424.40
6. dpklos13 0.18% 4.38% 4.38% 4.38% $104,383.50
7. brianski99 0.21% 2.76% 2.76% 2.76% $102,761.50
8. cswing -0.22% 2.05% 2.05% 2.05% $102,047.60
9. bryntco 0.15% 1.64% 1.64% 1.64% $101,641.50
10. rs1990 0.92% 0.98% 0.98% 0.98% $100,979.10
11. btight 0.54% -0.89% -0.89% -0.89% $99,110.62
12. scrublee -1.13% -1.06% -1.06% -1.06% $98,940.02

(that's what you get for being tight, b)


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