Clipboard Secrets

Are you aware of the secrets that your clipboard contains? I don't think that these people were... (Unsuspecting surfers with bad security settings can give away a wealth of information.)

Thursday, July 28, 2005


Sub Click(Source As Button)Dim S As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabaseSet db = s.CurrentDatabase
Dim v As NotesViewSet v = db.GetView("VEV")
Dim w As NotesUIWorkspaceSet w=New NotesUIWorkspace
Dim uidoc As NotesUIDocumentSet uidoc=w.CurrentDocument
Dim doc As notesdocumentSet doc=uidoc.Document
Dim ventry As Stringventrydef=doc.MRef(0)
Dim ventry As NotesViewEntrySet ventry=v.GetEntryByKey(ventrydef)
Msgbox "The total number of movies in "

(wow this is so not amazing)


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