I'm gonna be the man
I've got it all figured out! Since about midway through my seventh grade year, my parents and teachers have been telling me to try and decide what to study in college. For the most part, I ignored them, but lately I've been getting a little curious. What do I want to do for the rest of my life? Should I study law? Should I get schooled in the medical field? Should I shave my head and join the service? Then, it came to me: When I grow up, I'm gonna be the man. Think about it. The man doesn't need permission, he gives it. The man doesn't need to go anywhere, cause he's already there. The man doesn't worry about his salary, cause it all adds up in the end. The man doesn't follow anybody, cause he's already in the front. Some of you may be laughing, but everbody knows it's true. You have all seen the man, whether you realized it or not. I know it's gonna take a lot of work, but all in all, I think it's a pretty honorable goal. I'm going to be the man.
(good luck with that)
(good luck with that)
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