Clipboard Secrets

Are you aware of the secrets that your clipboard contains? I don't think that these people were... (Unsuspecting surfers with bad security settings can give away a wealth of information.)

Monday, March 31, 2008

I'll smoke it with ya bro

I'll smoke it with ya bro, we'll go to the loony bin together. I don't give a fuck.

(yeah man, count me in too)

Friday, March 28, 2008

Break Iraq

Hey break Iraq into two countires; in the north, Kurdistan and in the center and south just turn Iraq back over to some faction of the sunis that we can live with and who are strong/brutal enough to form an effective government. They have always been natural enemies of Iran and would be again. Iran is playing these games because we have basically wiped out all of thier natural enemies, ie Afganistan,Iraq.When you create power vacuums they invariably get filled. Our foriegn policy is so ideallistic and simplistic that its good thing we have a great military to protect us. Good intentions (ours) have killed a lot of people for stupid reasons.

(er, that's one way to think about it)

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Dear all,

Need it be said.. It is HOT outside! After worship services and lunch I decided to walk..or should I say, stagger for 40 seemed like an hour and forty minutes . I heard rolling thunder above me in the sky but not a drop of rain hit my soaked from sweat body. It weather holds I will ride my bike right after church tonight. Wow! I enjoyed the singing at church this morning. Sandra Stone was cranking on all eight cylinders this morning and sat directly behind me and she sang so pretty. Her and James compliment each other. I sang too but I have such a poor voice that I try not to be heard too loudly.

Dear Sandra you have amazing talent and thank you for singing so beautifully. God told me to tell you so. (By the way, thank you James and Sandra for the tasty pears too! It is the little acts of kindness and self giving that build the foundation and make solid personal relationships.) Oh I digress, back to my main thought..There is a quote that makes me feel a little better about singing out when I really get the spirit of a song no matter how poorly I sing. "Using what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best." William Blake Grace and peace and blessings to your day! Until the next time,

G.i.n.g.e.r. <><

(oh, she said sandra not sharon)

Monday, March 24, 2008

Model DV-1280-3Class 2 Transformer

Model DV-1280-3Class 2 Transformer.

Full-wave rectifier/filter design, AC plug integral to case, DC output cable with 5.5mm outer diameter cylinder plug, 2mm inner opening, inside use only. Inside contact is POSITIVE. Important, Open-Circuit voltage (unloaded) is HIGHER! DVE DV-1280-312VDC Output at 1,000mA Fixed 120VAC, 60Hz Input.UL, CSA Approved

(just what i always wanted)

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Andy McLarty/AUST/CSC@CSC, Anthony Hall/GIS/CSC@CSC, Christiane C Moloney/AUST/CSC@CSC, Hugo Job/GIS/CSC@CSC, Lawrence Ostle/GIS/CSC@CSC, Maria Cardamone/GIS/CSC@CSC, Simon Carr/AUST/CSC@CSC, Sue O'callaghan/AUST/SC/CSC@CSC, William Blake/AUST/CSC@CSC

(welcome all to cbsecrets)

Monday, March 17, 2008

No Comment

No comment

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No comment is a phrase used as a response to journalistic inquiries which the respondent does not wish to answer. Public figures may decline to comment on issues they are questioned about if they wish to avoid having a stated opinion about the matter on the record, or if they simply have nothing to say about the issue at the time.

(no comment)

Friday, March 14, 2008

Mr. Ahmad Hussein

Name: Ahmad Hussein Al-Zahxxxx <-- (being nice)
Nationality: Saudi
Age: twenty-four years
ID No: 100-303-xx-xx <-- (being nice)
Qualification: High Diploma of Applied Technical Study of Society Service.
University: King Saud University.
Graduation Year: 1424 H. Communications
Social Status: Married.
1-Internet Introduction Trainees Cycle.
2-Pwer Point Trainees Cycle.
3-Exil 2000 Trainees Cycle.
4-Acces 2000 Trainees Cycle.
5-Windows 98 Trainees Cycle.
6-Word Trainees Cycle.

Supervisor of Transport Dept. In Al-Rassam Commercial Group.

Mobile No: 0556707058050545817001\4213xxx <-- (being nice)

(you must be pretty old seeing when you graduated)

Friday, March 07, 2008

It Just Didn't Work

Here is my C program, it didn't work and I don't know why, it's supposed to be a very simple thing... the PIC has to digitalyze a signal, but it just didn't work. Anyway my program is more complex than necessary, it is a very simple thing that the PIC has to do, but i just don't know where the problem is.

(where is the problem? -----> "more complex than necessary")

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Just in Case

Just in case you’re wondering, the wire from Quirk and Pacer that arrived are colors that I have here. SEA should have the yellow 28 ready to ship today, Pacer is also checking and Quirk should have all needed colors ready to ship by tomorrow as well.

(i was not wondering)

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Intoxication to an Extreme

Was Lee’s overdose intentional and related to your departure or was intoxication to an extreme his norm?

(let's hope not)

Monday, March 03, 2008

Glass Cleaning is an Art

A friend once said: "Glass cleaning is an art", which puts it all into perspective. Clean glass is important if only because dirt and other problems are more obvious on window glass. There are any number of glass cleaners available, most of which contain ammonia, that do a good job of cleaning glass. Home made recipes are popular and effective however. A simple one consists of 1/3 white vinegar and 2/3 water, with some people adding a teaspoon of car wash detergent. A more complicated concoction is: 1/2 cup sudsy ammonia 1 pint 70% isopropyl alcohol 1 tablespoon dish washing detergent 1 gallon water Others insist plain water is best, and some go to the trouble to use distilled water or collected rain water.

(you need some fun friends)

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