Clipboard Secrets

Are you aware of the secrets that your clipboard contains? I don't think that these people were... (Unsuspecting surfers with bad security settings can give away a wealth of information.)

Monday, April 17, 2006

Research Study

Briefing sheet for males

Thank you for considering to participate in this research study

You will remain anonymous throughout the experiment in order to retain participant confidentiality

The procedures of the study:A female picture sheet will be given You will be asked to rate each females physical attractiveness from 1-10 (10 being most attractive)

You will be given another picture sheet of 10 males, and asked to match the males and females into 10 couples

You are able to withdraw from the experiment if you no longer wish to participate, if the study has already been conducted we shall simply retract your scores from our results

Thank you for your assistance

(i bet this has some great underlying value, but i cannot see it)


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